Why Plant New Churches?

Many people will say – why do we need to plant new churches when the ones we have already need support and encouragement. Here are some reasons suggested by Tim Keller.

1. New churches are the best way to reach

a. New Residents.

b. New generations.

c. New people groups.

2. New churches are the best way to reach the unchurched.

Research into church planting has shown that on average church plants have the highest numbers of new converts.

The planting of new churches is one of the very best ways to revitalize many older churches and renew the whole body of Christ. How?
3. New churches are the best way to renew the whole body of Christ.

A. New ideas

New churches have the freedom to be innovative because there is less institutional resistance to change and exploring new ideas. They become the research and development department for the whole body in the city. When newer churches find success with new ideas it gives courage to older churches to try it themselves.

B. They surface creative strong leaders for the whole body.

New congregations attract people who value creativity, risk, innovation and a future orientation. Often older churches have their leadership settled and are not attractive to people who want to bring change and new ideas.

C. New churches challenge other churches to self-examination.

The success of new churches often challenge older congregations to evaluate themselves in substantial ways. Sometimes it is in contrast to a new church that an older church can clarify its own vision and identity and give hope that it can be done.

D. New churches may be an evangelistic feeder for the whole community.

Sometimes the new converts in a church plant end up settling more comfortably in an older church for a variety of reasons. A new church in a suburb will often produce new converts for older bodies as well.

4. An exercise in kingdom mindedness.

New churches will attract some of their people from existing churches. In fact it is best when an existing mother churches encourages some of its people to leave for this very purpose. This can be a painful process but it raises the question of whether our mindset is directed toward our own institutional turf or to the overall health and prosperity of the kingdom of God in our city.