Our Mission

Our Mission

Jesus words at the end of Matthew's gospel are to make disciples of all nations. In the book of Acts we see the beginning of this commission being put into practice through the planting of churches across the world. Of course this task of taking the gospel to the nations through planting churches is far from complete.

Many have argued that to affect cultural change in a city you need to have 10% of the population. In this light, in order for Melbourne to have 10% of the population as born again believers, on top of existing churches we need 3200 new churches of 100 people. On top of that, as our population grows by 90'000 p.a., we need 90 new churches every year to accommodate this growth. All this simply to have churches for 10% of the population.

At Revive we want to bring new life to individuals, communities, cities and our denomination.